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Electricity is often taken for granted, it is easy to forget that the wiring that carries power for your home will need replacing at some point. Rewiring is an essential safety precaution as outdated wiring can cause fires and electrical shocks. Some indications that you may need a rewiring include:

  • Switches in your bathroom

  • Sockets on skirting boards

  • Green residue on wiring

  • Cotton-covered wiring

  • Black rubber cables

  • Round pin sockets

The easiest way to check the condition of your household wiring is to request a domestic periodic inspection report, this will point out any potential problems and it’s recommended that every house should be inspected at least once every 10 years.

We can also offer services such as fusebox upgrading and wiring of new builds, extensions, alterations & conversions. All of the electrical wiring that we do is tested and certified by qualified electricians in accordance with British Safety Standard BS7671:2018.

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