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On January 1st 2005, new Part P Building Regulations were enforced in England and Wales to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and fires caused by faulty electrical installations and to make it harder for ‘cowboy builders’ to leave electrical installations in an unsafe condition. Part P is intended to increase the safety of households by improving the design, installation, inspection and testing of electrical installations in dwellings when these installations are being newly built, extended or altered.
The risks posed by unsafe electrical installations and portable appliances are electric shock, burns and other injuries arising from fires in buildings ignited by electrical components overheating or building up dangerous currents causing ‘arcing’. Installations that are properly designed, fitted, tested and commissioned in accordance with British Standard BS 7671 (a requirement of Part P) will help minimize these risks.
From 1 January 2005, people carrying out electrical work in homes and gardens in England and Wales will have to follow the new rules in the Building Regulations.


The Scope of Part P
Part P applies to the following areas:

  • Dwellings

  • Special Locations inc: Kitchens, Bathrooms and any new Circuits

  • Combined dwellings and business premises having a common supply (such as shops, pubs etc.)

  • Common access areas in blocks of flats (but not lifts)

  • Shared amenities in blocks of flats (such as laundries, gymnasiums etc.

  • Outbuildings, including sheds, garages and greenhouses

  • Garden lighting and power supplies 


Use a certified Electrician to meet these requirements

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